Sea Turtle Nesting Season - March 1 thru November 15th - See for complete info on restrictions.

Catamaran II, Inc. Policies, Rules and Regulations for All Tenants, Renters, Guests and Visitors:

Thank you for your help in keeping Cat II safe and beautiful.

• Guests’, visitors’, and tenants’ passes must be clearly displayed on the dashboard of vehicles at all times.

• Please help preserve our beautiful property by picking up any trash and not creating any unnecessary messes.

• Please be considerate of your neighbors and keep the sound level of stereos, radios, TV’s, and other sound sources at reasonable levels.

• Fire codes require that nothing can be hung from windows, balconies, railings and exterior walls, including clothes, curtains, rugs, mops, flowers, and plants.

• DUMPSTER USE - Our dumpsters are for trash only, NO large household items. All boxes should be cut down. NOTHING is to be left outside the dumpster.

• NO PETS. Tenants, guests, renters, or visitors CANNOT have pets.

• No fire, open flame or barbecuing is allowed on the walkways or porches. Two barbecue grills have been installed in the open area for this purpose. No fire, open flame, etc. is allowed within 25 feet of any building. Propane tanks are not allowed in any building or on common property of CAT II. This is by order of the Fire Marshal.

• Walkways must be kept clear to comply with fire code by order of the Fire Marshal. All personal items such as furniture, bikes, chairs and plants must be removed from all walkways. We cannot block fire exits. Violators could incur a $50 fine from the Fire Department.

• Observe the 15 MPH speed limits throughout all of Ocean Village.

• The use of skateboards, roller blades, bikes, etc. is not permitted on the walkways and sidewalks.

• Hoverboards and other motorized recreational items are not permitted in Catamaran II.

• Each tenant is entitled to one covered parking space. If owner is already using the covered space, tenant may not park a vehicle in the covered parking space. Guests, visitors. and tenants with more than one vehicle must park in the uncovered areas.

• Boats, trailers, motorcycles, and inhabitable vehicles must not be parked, kept or stored on Catamaran II property. We will enforce towing.

• Commercial vehicles may park temporarily on the property in areas designated by the Board of Directors when providing service. These vehicles may not be parked overnight.

• Rental periods must be at least 30 days.

• All unit owners’ rental contracts must clearly assure you and the Catamaran II, Inc. Board of Directors that all renters have no pets and none of the above-named vehicles.

• The unit owner is responsible for all the actions of guests and tenants.

The Catamaran II, Inc. B.O.D. recommends performing the following when the rental period ends:

• Turn off All Water Valves. (The main water valve is located near the hot water heater.)

• Empty Ice Maker and turn it off.

• Remove bicycle(s) from outside/bike racks and store them in your unit along with any other exterior items.

• Set the temperature and humidity control (recommend 78° for temperature and 60% for humidity; 75° if no humidistat).

• Close all drapes and blinds.

• Bring in all outside mats.

• Bring in cushions from porch furniture.

• All windows and slider doors should be closed and locked.

• Double-check that the porch doors and the front door are closed and locked.

Association rules